Nu Day Majestic Ones,
It's been a while since we have connected. So many dynamic experiences, expansions and ascensions have occurred with me. How about with you?
For the last 97 days, since my 45th birthday, Allah (GOD)-my Beloved Mighty I AM Presence-Jesus-Higher Self-Universal Source-Prime streaming through me jewels for people just like you. I was inspired to go live on Facebook you can check it out. it is a lil lengthy...everytime I began to wind up, someone would comment and the next sharing would presence itself. Neverthless, enjoy...
So will you help me assist people like you, by filling out this short Survey SURVEY . It is anonymous, if that matters ;-). Imagine what possibilities are available just by supporting this experience!
**Starting July 18, 2016, mark your calendar for this powerful sharing that the Creator is streaming through me. In next week's email you will have an opportunity to register for the 7 day Tele-Web Series.
Take Survey!
I look forward to reading your responses! I AM truly Grateful for your sharing which is destined to assist me as I continue to fulfill my life's purpose.
#grateful #ILoveThisLife #insights
Bless you,
Felicia Muhammad
Spiritual Life & Business Transformation Facilitator
Intuitive, Awakening Dynamics Instructor
#HLIC Movie Cast 2015
P.O.W.E.R of Oneness International~Movement
Time to Align & Shine
" Energetically aligning People together from all walks of life, with likeminds/heart, willing & ready to serve humanity in Oneness”
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