The physical and emotional challenges we experience in our life – everything from cancer to arthritis to job stress to marital strife – are often, symptoms of underlying core problems.
What it is about your life that you’d like to change?
Is low self esteem creeping it's ugly head up?
Do you say " I Love you" to yourself?
Are you ready to Accept responsibility for actions and get UNSTUCK?
- Forgive yourself and release the subsconscious blocks that keep you stuck, stressed out, over weight, broke & in self-doubt
- to see in darkness when you can't even see in front you.
- reconcile your past and use the past to serve your future
- open the money gates to flow effortlessly
- Be the Love you deserve
- while fulfilling your Life's purpose
You see before P.O.W.E.R of Oneness became a collective movement, it started as a discovery of how to manage the emotional conflicts ( different people/moods swings) inside of this vessel, we call the body (mind). I have tried a nubmer of things over the years.